The 33 Innovation Park is a city-owned, master planned development with flexible building layouts and lot sizes. Located just minutes from Columbus and situated adjacent to US-33 (Ohio's 33 Smart Mobility Corridor), the park offers an excellent location, new infrastructure, design standards to protect your investment, signage and streetscaping, and numerous amenities. There is no surprise why the 33 Innovation Park is an emerging center for R&D, innovative technologies, smart mobility, and advanced manufacturing operations in Central Ohio.

Sale Price: $60,000 - $80,000 per acre
Available Lot Sizes
6 – 166 acres
Lot location and configuration will be customized for each buyer
See concept map for conceptual lot configurations
Build-to-suit options are available
Design Standards
Yes, via the City of Marysville
EPA Attainment Status (NAAQS)
Union County is designated as an attainment county for all applicable standards.
MI - Manufacturing Innovation District
Local Income Tax
1.5% (City of Marysville)
Businesses in Union County also benefit from NO personal property tax, NO inventory tax, and NO state corporate income tax
Property Tax (as of October 2017)
Millage rate = 78.7275
Property tax is calculated as Taxable Value x 35% x 7.87275%
Tax Incentives
Various financial incentives are available through Union County and the City of Marysville. The availability and extent of abatements offered depend on scope of project, job creation, and investment. Please contact the Union County - Marysville Economic Development Office at 937-642-6279 to learn more.
Sanitary Sewer Provider: City of Marysville
8″ and 10" sewer lines along Innovation Way
60" sanitary sewer trunk line along Industrial Parkway
4 MGD excess capacity
8 MGD capacity at treatment plant
Water Provider: City of Marysville
12″ water line along Innovation Way
16" water line along Industrial Parkway
1.5 MGD excess capacity
4 MGD capacity at water plant
Natural Gas Provider: Community Energy Resources Cooperative (CERC)
8″ line
Operating pressure of 50 psig with MAOP of 97 psig
Electric Provider: AES Ohio
Site is served by 3 phase, 12,470 volt service
5 MW available excess capacity
Site is 1,000 ft from substation
The 33 Innovation Park is also served by the NW 33 Council of Governments, which owns and maintains 432 strands of redundant dark and lit fiber. This fiber network provides unparalleled speed and capacity.
Industrial Waste Management
Republic Services: 800-686-1732​
Waste Management: 800-343-6047
Rumpke Waste: 800-828-8171
Evergreen Waste Services: 937-642-0008
Emergency Services
Marysville Division of Fire: 2.4 miles (6 minutes)
Marysville Divison of Police: 5.9 miles (10 minutes)
Memorial Hospital: 2.7 miles (6 minutes)
Cargo Air Service/Intermodal
Rickenbacker International Airport is a high-speed international, multi-modal logistics hub and cargo complex serving several key business segments, including: international airfreight, cargo airlines, freight forwarders, and logistics firms. Located just south of Columbus, approximately 40 miles from the 33 Innovation Park, Rickenbacker contains two 12,000-foot runways capable of handling any aircraft in the world.
Commercial Airports
John Glenn Columbus International Airport: 36 miles (36 minutes)
The Ohio State University Airport: 19 miles (26 minutes)
Dayton International Airport: 70 miles (1 hour, 16 minutes)
Union County Airport: < 1 mile
Highway & Interstates
US-33: < 1 mile
I-270: 15 miles (15 minutes)
I-70: 24 miles (24 minutes)
I-71: 23 miles (23 minutes)
I-75: 64 miles (1 hour, 7 minutes)